Offering Counseling Services and Support for Twins, multiples and their loved ones since 2014.

Professional Education and Counseling
The Twin Resource Center is an education and counseling service specializing in enhancing life quality for twins and their loved ones. We have been offering our seamless services since 2014.
Whether you are a twin yourself, a parent of twins, a spouse, or a twin friend, we know how special your relationship is with a twin. We are dedicated to enriching every aspect of these unique relationships.
Support for Twins and Multiples
Approximately one in every 30 births is a twin. Statistics also show the rate of twin births rose 76% from 1980 to 2009. Likewise, higher order multiples have seen significant increases in birth rates in recent years. The overall shift in multiple births is remarkable. As a result, counselors, teachers, and other healthcare professionals are experiencing a growing need to provide services to multiples; yet there are few with the specialized training to better understand the intricacies of these special relationships. This is particularly true when dealing with the death of a twin.
Consult us today for twin counseling & education. We'd love to hear from you!